


【榮譽】恭賀博士班唐昭榮同學發表之論文榮登Engineering Geology期刊The Tsaoling landslide triggered by the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan: Insights from a discrete element simulation.
【榮譽】恭賀江博明教授榮獲法國學院棕櫚二級勳章詳情請參考 http://www.aftea.org.tw/AFTEA/
【榮譽】恭賀博士班林冠瑋同學發表之論文榮登Earth Surface Processes and Landforms期刊 Effects of earthquake and cyclone sequencing on landsliding and fluvial sediment transfer in a mountain…
【榮譽】恭賀博士班張英如同學發表之論文榮登Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta期刊 Simulation of the fluorescence evolution of “live” oils from kerogens in a diamond anvil cell: Application…
【榮譽】 恭賀博士班林德嫻同學發表之論文榮登Journal of Asian Earth Sciences期刊 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of the Jiali and Gaoligong shear zones: Implications for crustal deformation…
【榮譽】 恭賀博士班林德嫻同學發表之論文榮登The journal of geology期刊 Jurassic Dextral Movement of the Dien Bien Phu Fault, NW Vietnam: Constraints from 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology. 
【榮譽】恭賀博士班李曉芬同學發表之論文榮登JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH期刊Temporal variations of gas compositions of fumaroles in the Tatun Volcano Group, northern Taiwan.
【榮譽】恭賀碩士班謝章天同學發表之論文榮登Geophysical Research Letters期刊A comparison of τc and τpmax for magnitude estimation in earthquake early warning.
【榮譽】恭賀蘇強(John Suppe)教授榮獲"Career Contribution Award" of the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division of GSA ! 詳情請參考 http://host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/schinfo/schinfo_asp/ShowContent.asp?num=939&sn=8236 
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