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黃春江 教授






1.Huang, C. K. and Watanabe, M. (1942) Geology and ore deposits in the vicinity of Ide, with special reference to the gold-tungsten breccia-pipe of the Koganetubo mine (1) and (2), Jour. Jap.
2.Assoc. Min. Pet. Econ. Geol., 28(3), p. 93-109 ; (4), p. 184-204. (in Japanese with English abstract)
3.Huang, C. K. (1942) Galena deposits near Paishihling, Anchiu-hsien, Shan-tung Province, Geol. Survey Report, North China Development Corporation, 15p.(in Japanese)
4.Huang, C. K. (1943) Apatite and manganese ore deposits of Chinpingshan, Haichow, Tunghai-hsien, Kiangszu Province, Geol. Survey Report, North China Development Corporation, 26p. (in Japanese)
5.Huang, C. K. (1944) List of rare-elements minerals, Geol. Survey Report, North China Development Corporation,12p.(in Japanese)
6.Huang, C. K. (1945) Iron ore deposits of Likoui, Tunghai-hsien, Kiangszu Province, Geol. Survey Report, North China Development Corporation, 10p.(in Japanese)
7.Huang, C. K. (1945) Iron ore deposits of Chinlingchen, Hengtai-hsien, Shantung Province, Geol. Survey Report, North China Development Corporation, 10p.(in Japanese)
8.Huang, C. K. (1946) Iron ore deposits of Bein-Obo, Pailingmiao, Suiyuan Province, Peiping Branch Report, Central Geol. Survey, MOEA, 12p. (in Chinese)
9.Huang, C. K. (1947) Iron ore deposits of Hungshan, Wuan-Hsien, Honan Province, Peiping Branch Report, Central Geol. Survey, MOEA, 14p. (in Chinese)
10.Huang, C. K. (1947) Iron ore deposits of Suchiaying, Luan-hsien, Hopei Province, Peiping Branch Report, Central Geol. Survey, MOEA, 19p. (in Chinese)
11.Huang, C. K. (1949) Iron ore deposits in North China, Taiwan Mining, 1(4), p. 12-16. (in Chinese)
12.Huang, C. K. (1950) Asbestus in Taiwan, Periodicals of Taiwan Bank, 3(2), p. 129-135. (in Chinese)
13.Huang, C. K. (1950) Micas in Taiwan, Periodicals of Taiwan Bank, 3(2), p. 136-141. (in Chinese)
14.Huang, C. K. (1953) Adularia from Kukutzu, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 5, p. 27-34.
15.Huang, C. K. (1954) Basaltic hornblende from the Tatun volcanoes, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 6, p. 1-12.
16.Huang, C. K. (1955) Gold-copper deposits of the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, with special reference to the mineralogy, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 7, p.1-20.
17.Huang, C. K. , and Wang, Y. (1955) Pyrite ore deposits in the Chinkuashih mine Taiwan, Mineral Survey Team Annual Report, p. 1-45.
18.Huang, C. K. and Fuh, T. M. (1956) Pyrite ore deposits of the Wutankeng and the Tatsukeng mines, Taiwan, Mineral Survey Team Annual Report, p. 1-12.
19.Huang, C. K. , Fuh, T. M. and Sun, S. S. (1958) Grade and reserves of copper ores of the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Mineral Survey Team Annual Report, p. 1-14.
20.Huang, C. K. (1960) Gold deposits of the Wutanshan area, Taiwan, and their relation to the Chinkuashih deposits, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 8, p. 13-26.
21.Huang, C. K. and Kerr P. F. (1960) Infrared study of the carbonate minerals, Am. Mineral, 45, p. 311-324.
22.Huang, C. K (1960) Results of prospecting by Mineral Survey Team at the Chinkuashih mine during 1957-60, Mineral Survey Team Annual Report, p. 1-17.
23.Huang, C. K. (1960) Surface structures of pyrite, enargite, barite and alunite from the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 8, p. 27-36.
24.Huang, C. K. (1961) Peculiar optical properties of adularia from Kukutzu, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 9, p. 1-5.
25.Huang, C. K. (1962) Textures and structures of the gold-copper ores of the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Jour. Jap. Assoc. Min. Pet. Econ. Geol., 47(6), p. 232-240.
26.Huang, C. K. (1963) Factors controlling the gold-copper deposits of the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 10, p. 1-9.
27.Huang, C. K. (1963) (translated by Chen, W. F.) Gold-copper deposits of the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan and the mineralogy, Taiwan Mining, 15(4), p. 1-18. (in Chinese)
28.Huang, C. K. (1964) Mineralogy of the Tsaoshan deposits of the Chinkuahsih mine, Taiwan, Proc. Geol. Soc. China, 7, p. 31-39.
29.Huang, C. K. (1965) Further notes on the mineralogyof the Chinkuashih gold-copper deposits, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 11, p. 31-42.
30.Huang, C. K. (1965) Two gem stones, blue chalcedony and nephrite, from eastern Taiwan, Taiwan Mining, 17(2-4), p. 58-65. (in Chinese).
31.Huang, C. K. (1966) Nephrite and blue chalcedony from Taiwan, Proc. Geol. Soc. China, 9, p. 11-19.
32.Huang, C. K. (1968) “Wenshih” (veined stones) from the Penghu Islands, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 12, p. 15-20.
33.Huang, C. K. (1969) Grossularite and salite from the Fengtien asbestus mine, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 13, p. 1-7.
34.Huang, C. K. and Hu, G. L. (1970) Hypersthene from the Tatun volcanoes, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 14, p. 1-8.
35.Huang, C. K. (1972) Crystal forms of native gold and luzonite from the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 15, p. 101-104.
36.Huang, C. K. , Juan, V. C. and others (1972) Petrology and chemistry of some Apollo lunar samples, Proc. 3rd Lunar Sci. Conf. (MIT press), 1, p. 678-705.
37.Huang, C. K. (1973) Minor gangue minerals of the Chinkuashih gold-copper deposits, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 16, p. 31-38.
38.Huang, C. K. (1974) Antimony contents of enargite and luzonite-famatinite from the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 17, p. 1-5.
39.Huang, C. K. (1974) (with Juan, V. C. and others) petrology and chemistry of some Apollo 15 crystalline rocks and regoliths, Proc. Geol. Soc. China, 17, p. 13-29.
40.Huang, C. K. and Chou, S. A. (1975) Parageneses of enargite and luzonite-famatinite in the Chinkuashih gold-copper deposits, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 18, p. 26-35.
41.Huang, C. K. , Juan, V. C. and others (1975) Pertology and chemistry of some Apollo 16 lunar samples, Proc. Geol. Soc. China, 18, p. 7-16.
42.Huang, C. K. (1975) Antimony contents of enargite and luzonite-famatinite from the Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, National Science Council Monthly, 3(1), p. 38-41. (in Chinese)
43.Huang, C. K. and Lan, C. Y. (1975) Mineralogy in “Science and Civilization in China”. 6, (translated from Joseph Needham), Taiwan Commercial Printing Co., p. 265-330. (in Chinese)
44.Huang, C. K. and others (1976) Earth resources (translated from Charles, F. P. ed.). Voice of America Forum Series, Hsinya Publishing Co., Taipei, p. 302. (in Chinese)
45.Huang, C. K. and Yeh, K. S. (1977) Special features of the ore deposits of the Changjen series, Chinkuashih mine, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 19, p. 1-12.
46.Huang, C. K. and Yeh, C. L. (1978) Taiwan cat’s-eye, Jour. Gem. Soc. Japan, 5(4), p. 13-20.
47.Huang, C. K. and Chiu, Y. F. (1979) Minor elements of pyrites in the metamorphic rocks of the Hualien and Huli areas, eastern Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 20, p. 69-92.
48.Huang, C. K. and Yeh, T. H. (1979) Mineralogy of the marginal parts of amphibolite bodies in the Tungao-Nanao area, eastern Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 20, p. 93-108.
49.Huang, C. K. (1980) Gem minerals from Taiwan, Jour. Gem. Soc. Japan, 7(2), p. 3-12. (in Japanese with English abstract)
50.Huang, C. K. (1981) Gem minerals from Taiwan and their prospect, Taiwan Mining, 33(2), p. 102-114. (in Chinese with English abstract)
51.Huang, C. K. and Chang, Y. H. (1982) Barite and alunite from the Chinkuashih gold-copper depotis, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 21, p. 1-13.
52.Huang, C. K. and Tsai, H. L. (1984) Chemical variations of enargite and luzonite-famatinite from the Chinkuashih gold-copper deposits, Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 22, p. 118-130.
53.Huang, C. K. and Lo, C. H. (1985) Nephrites with dragon-patterns from the Hsilin area, eastern Taiwan, Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 23, p. 111-126.


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