

週三, 28 十月 2015 09:03

[演講]Iron oxides mediated nitrification and its role in coastal hypoxia

Speaker: Dr. Sung-Yun Hsiao
Title: Iron oxides mediated nitrification and its role in coastal hypoxia
Time: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, 30, October, 2015
Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU

Speaker: Dr. Sung-Yun Hsiao
Postdoctoral, Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Science, National Central University

Title: Iron oxides mediated nitrification and its role in coastal hypoxia

Time: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, 30, October, 2015
Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
Host: Prof. Haojia Abby Ren