本校永續地球尖端科學研究中心、地理環境資源系所與氣候變遷與永續發展博碩士學位學程共同舉辦永續地球系列講座(National Taiwan University Future Earth Lectureship),很榮幸邀Peter Adey教授(Royal Holloway, University of London)擔任首屆講座的主講人,並由本校地理環境資源學系的簡旭伸教授與新加坡國大地理系的Chih Yuan Woon教授擔任五場系列講座的講者。
現任Royal Holloway「地緣政治與安全性」學程教授的Peter Adey,藉由整合文化地理學與政治地理學的取徑,引領學界進入「天空」世界,由最早期「空中移動」的研究出發,Peter Adey從「垂直的空間」進一步發展到「物質大氣」的人文研究;並從「移動」研究進一步探索「撤離」這種特殊的移動,其作品的連貫性與多產結果,已為今天的地理學界打開了新的一頁,並於2011年以其前瞻性的領域開創,榮獲學界極高肯定的Philip Leverhulme獎。今天作為期刊《Mobilities》期刊的編輯之一、過去十年間出版了五本書,甚至在倫敦大學開創了以其研究為基礎的「地緣政治與安全性」碩士學程,Peter Adey在知識上的貢獻已為全球社會科學界、地理學界有目共睹。2019年末的此次訪台行程,Peter Adey將針對其最新的計畫進行分享:The End: Imagining Earth Futures in Planetary Evacuation,相信將能為臺灣社會科學、自然科學領域的跨學科研究帶來新的啟發。
Perhaps we have always wished to leave the planet, but how and why would we do so? What efforts have we gone to in order to predict, anticipate, plan for and potentially practice planetary evacuation? From religious belief in the rapture to Hollywood disaster movies and science fiction novels to the so-called climate future imaginations of ‘cli-fi’, we have frequently postured apocalyptic and catastrophic scenarios that renders planetary evacuation mobility – and even the evacuation of the planet from our solar system - as the best hope of humanity’s survival. Such ends commonly feature a fragile, warmed, or cooled, violent, depleted world – and sometimes the reverse in an excess of rubbish, dust, debris, and an atmosphere choked by pollutants. Within this trope, humanity’s only future, its only possibility of social and biological reproduction – despite attempts at subterranean survival - is an off-planet exodus, colonisation, or even a temporary vacation. A post-human Earth is left in a state of barbarism, perhaps tended by drones. The processes and plans to leave the planet often deploy the most pernicious and exceptional forms of biopower we can locate.
By taking these imaginations seriously, in this paper I further a broader study of evacuation, its politics and ethics in an uncertain future, but also ask what if planetary evacuation became a vehicle with which to re-enage with the world we know.
About the Speaker:
Peter Adey is Professor of Human Geography at Royal Holloway University of London. He has written extensively about air, mobility, and the elemental, and is the author and co-editor of six books, including Aerial Life: Mobilities, Subjects, Affects, and Air: Nature and Culture. He is also co-editor of From Above: War, Violence, and Verticality (ed.) and The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities. Peter is currently finishing a genealogy of evacuation titled The Way We Evacuate, forthcoming with Duke University Press.
Introduction to Volume Geography / 量體地理學:從二維到3D
Speaker: Prof. Shiuh-Shen Crison Chien / 簡旭伸教授
Dec 03 (Tue.) 12:30~14:00
Room 101, Dept. Geography / 臺大地理系館1F地理一教室
Dialogue in Social and Chemical Affinities / 社會與化學親合力
Speaker: Prof. Chih Yuan Woon (National University of Singapore)
Dec 04 (Wed.) 14:30~16:00
Venue:Room 202, Dept. Geography/ 臺大地理系館202會議室
Geopolitics of Evacuation and Emergence / 緊急與疏散的地緣政治
Speaker: Prof. Chih Yuan Woon (National University of Singapore)
Dec 13 (Fri.) 12:30~14:00
Room 202 (Front building), Global Change Building/ 臺大全球變遷研究中心前棟2樓G202室
The End: Imagining Earth Futures in Planetary Evacuation /全球末日與大疏散:地理學的視野
Speaker:Peter Adey(Royal Holloway, University of London)
Dec 17 (Tue.) 15:30~17:30
Room 305, Dept. Geography / 臺大地理館305教室
Workshop: Humanity and Social Science Understandings on Earth System Dynamics: Taiwan Experience /超越兩種文化:地球科學與人文社會科學的對話)
Dec 19 (Thu.) 9:30~12:30
Room 102, Dept. Geography / 地理館1F地理二教室