週一, 26 十二月 2016 10:09
[演講](12/30 #2)Development of Cyber-Infrastructure: From Sensing To Understanding
Speaker: 林芳邦 博士Title: Development of Cyber-Infrastructure: From Sensing To UnderstandingTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Dec, 30, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週一, 26 十二月 2016 10:06
[演講](12/30 #1)新構造及地表作用分析技術之開發、整合及運用
Speaker: 張國楨 副教授Title: 新構造及地表作用分析技術之開發、整合及運用Time: 10:00 - 11:00, Friday, Dec, 30, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 20 十二月 2016 10:38
[演講](12/23 #2)Methane seeps in the European high Arctic: past, present, and beyond
Speaker: Dr. Wei-Li HongTitle: Methane seeps in the European high Arctic: past, present, and beyondTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Dec, 23, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 20 十二月 2016 10:35
[演講](12/23 #1)Emerald mineralization without any magmatic influence: A special case from Colombia
Speaker: Felipe NinoTitle: Emerald mineralization without any magmatic influence: A special case from ColombiaTime: 10:00 - 11:00, Friday, Dec, 23, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週四, 01 十二月 2016 13:51
[演講]Shale and mudstone - from sedimentology to shale-gas and shale-oil exploration and production
Speaker: 柯婷瑋 博士候選人Title: Shale and mudstone - from sedimentology to shale-gas and shale-oil exploration and productionTime: 13:30 - 14:30, Tuesday, Dec, 6, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 29 十一月 2016 10:22
[演講]Calibration of foraminiferal δ18O, Mg/Ca and clumped isotopes for estimation of temperature and δ18Oseawater
Speaker: Dr. Lo Li, Postdoctoral ResearcherTitle: Calibration of foraminiferal δ18O, Mg/Ca and clumped isotopes for estimation of temperature and δ18OseawaterTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Dec, 2, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週五, 11 十一月 2016 15:52
[演講]Coseismic Deformations of Recent Earthquakes Detected by ALOS-2/PALSAR-2
Speaker: Dr. Manabu Hashimoto, ProfessorTitle: Coseismic Deformations of Recent Earthquakes Detected by ALOS-2/PALSAR-2Time: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Nov, 18, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週五, 11 十一月 2016 15:50
[演講]Daily lamination in hydrothermal carbonate: Is it an analog for ancient stromatolites?
Speaker: Dr. Akihiro Kano, ProfessorTitle: Daily lamination in hydrothermal carbonate: Is it an analog for ancient stromatolites?Time: 10:00 - 11:00, Friday, Nov, 18, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 08 十一月 2016 10:42
[演講]Fault weakening and strengthening during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Speaker: 王煥 博士Title: Fault weakening and strengthening during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquakeTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Nov, 11, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 01 十一月 2016 09:09
[演講]On progress and rate of the peritectic reaction Fo + SiO2 → En in natural andesitic arc magmas
Speaker: Dr. Georg F. ZellmerTitle: On progress and rate of the peritectic reaction Fo + SiO2 → En in natural andesitic arc magmasTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Nov, 4, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU