

週二, 07 三月 2017 16:17

[演講]Geochemical constraints on calcification site pH in coccolithophore species and their responses to CO2-induced ocean acidification

Speaker: Dr. Yi-Wei Liu, Postdoctoral FellowTitle: Geochemical constraints on calcification site pH in coccolithophore species and their responses to CO2-induced ocean acidificationTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Mar, 10, 2017Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週四, 02 三月 2017 13:54

[演講]Physical protection and degradation pathway of black carbon for global change and carbon sequestration

Speaker: 梁碧清Title: Physical protection and degradation pathway of black carbon for global change and carbon sequestration 全球變遷中黑炭的物理保護機制及降解路徑Time: 14:00 - 15:00, Tuesday, Mar, 7, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週五, 17 二月 2017 17:10

[演講]Tibet to Timor: Geologic Silk Road Project and SEA Experiment 從西藏到峇里島:地質絲路計畫與東南亞實驗

Speaker: 鍾孫霖教授Title: Tibet to Timor: Geologic Silk Road Project and SEA Experiment 從西藏到峇里島:地質絲路計畫與東南亞實驗Time: 13:20 - 14:30, Friday, Feb, 24, 2016Location: Basement Auditorium, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週三, 15 二月 2017 14:58

[演講]中研院地科所演講公告--India-Asia collision and related ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism

週三, 04 一月 2017 17:10

[演講](1/6 #2)The initial break-up of Pangæa elicited by Late Palæozoic deglaciation

Speaker: 葉孟宛 副教授Title: The initial break-up of Pangæa elicited by Late Palæozoic deglaciationTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Jan, 6, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週三, 04 一月 2017 17:07

[演講](1/6 #1)晶體構造於新能源技術(固態氧化物燃料電池)材料合成的應用

Speaker: 余炳盛 副教授Title: 晶體構造於新能源技術(固態氧化物燃料電池)材料合成的應用Time: 10:00 - 11:00, Friday, Jan, 6, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 03 一月 2017 10:00

[演講]Ophiolites and Their Modern Analogues

Speaker: Professor Julian A. PearceTitle: Ophiolites and Their Modern AnaloguesTime: 14:00 - 15:00, Wednesday, Jan, 4, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週一, 26 十二月 2016 10:09

[演講](12/30 #2)Development of Cyber-Infrastructure: From Sensing To Understanding

Speaker: 林芳邦 博士Title: Development of Cyber-Infrastructure: From Sensing To UnderstandingTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Dec, 30, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週一, 26 十二月 2016 10:06

[演講](12/30 #1)新構造及地表作用分析技術之開發、整合及運用

Speaker: 張國楨 副教授Title: 新構造及地表作用分析技術之開發、整合及運用Time: 10:00 - 11:00, Friday, Dec, 30, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週二, 20 十二月 2016 10:38

[演講](12/23 #2)Methane seeps in the European high Arctic: past, present, and beyond

Speaker: Dr. Wei-Li HongTitle: Methane seeps in the European high Arctic: past, present, and beyondTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, Dec, 23, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU