週二, 19 一月 2016 10:26
[演講]台大海研所演講公告--Geomechanically based modeling of fractured reservoir: From 3D restoration, paleostress inversion to fracture modeling
週一, 18 一月 2016 14:32
[演講]Transport of water into the transition zone and lower mantle
Speaker: Professor Eiji OhtaniTitle: Transport of water into the transition zone and lower mantleTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Thursday, 21, January, 2016Location: Room 212, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週三, 06 一月 2016 15:48
[演講]Earth's deep water cycle
Speaker: Dr. Yun-Yuan Chang (張耘璦)Title: Earth's deep water cycleTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, 8, January, 2016Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週一, 04 一月 2016 09:17
[演講]中研院地科所演講公告--Update for accurate and high-precision isotopic analyses by Neptune Plus HR-MC-ICP-MS at IES
週一, 21 十二月 2015 11:28
[演講]Genesis and exploration of Rare Earth Element Resources of China
Speaker: Professor Mei-Fu Zhou (周美夫)Title: Genesis and exploration of Rare Earth Element Resources of ChinaTime: 10:00 - 12:00, Wednesday, 23, December, 2015Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週五, 04 十二月 2015 09:25
[演講]中研院地科所演講公告--Distribution of dissolved elements and U, Li isotopes in the Kaoping River, southwestern Taiwan: weathering processes investigation
週四, 03 十二月 2015 11:55
[演講]Size structure of plankton: its importance in aquatic ecosystem functioning
Speaker: 謝志豪教授Title: Size structure of plankton: its importance in aquatic ecosystem functioningTime: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, 11, December, 2015Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU
週四, 03 十二月 2015 11:43
[演講]氣候變遷對物種分布與生態系統之衝擊 The Impacts of Climate Change on Species Distribution and Ecosystem Structure
Speaker: Dr. Chia-Ying Ko 柯佳吟Title: 氣候變遷對物種分布與生態系統之衝擊Time: 11:00 - 12:00, Friday, 4, December, 2015Location: Room 213, Department of Geosciences, NTU