

週三, 17 十月 2012 15:33

[徵才]中央研究院地球科學研究所 徵人啟事

(1 投票)

Positions in Geophysics and Geochemistry

The Institute of Earth Sciences (IES) of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, seeks research faculty and postdoctoral associates in geophysics and geochemistry. Academia Sinica is the premier, state-funded basic science research organization of Taiwan, in fields ranging from physical and life sciences to the humanities. IES has strong research programs in seismology, tectonophysics, geodesy, paleomagnetism, mineral physics, petrology and petrogenesis, isotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry, and volcanology. Currently with 38 staff scientists, IES is well equipped with advanced analytical instruments, geophysical field sensor networks and computing facilities. The geographical coverage of interests extends from the island of Taiwan, which constitutes a premier natural laboratory for active tectonics, to issues of global significance. Staff scientists typically have close collaborations with national universities, although no direct teaching duties are required.

We invite applicants in the above-mentioned geophysical and geochemical fields, specifically: (1) up to two tenure-track staff scientists; and (2) up to two postdoctoral research associates initially funded for two years. We particularly welcome expertise in geomagnetism (including ionospheric, oceanic, crustal, and core magnetic) and in field operation of advanced GPS networks and related research, although outstanding scientists in other areas will also be considered. Successful candidates are expected to have demonstrated research excellence at the level in question, and to develop strong independent research programs. Applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae / resume with a full list of publications, a statement of past and future research interests, and the names of three or more referees (with affiliation and e-mail address), mailed to: Ben Chao, Director, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan or in electronic form emailed to Sharon Wang at Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. For more detailed information about IES, please visit http://www.earth.sinica.edu.tw. Academia Sinica is an equal oportunities employer. Applications are particularly welcome from women and under-represented groups in academic posts at the IES.

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