The Itrax XRF Core Scanner Lab at the Department of Geosciences, NTU, is looking to hire a new Research Assistant.
The Itrax XRF Core Scanner is a state-of-the-art research instrument that allows elemental variations to be assessed in a large variety of materials at submillimeter resolution. The applications of the Itrax XRF Core Scanner span from paleoenvironmental reconstructions using marine and lacustrine sediments to geochemical analysis of rock samples and environmental forensics.
The duties of the Research Assistant will include regular maintenance of the instrument and the laboratory, administration of the laboratory, supervision of students and visiting scientists, analysis of samples for our customers, as well as processing and analysis of data.
Depending on qualifications and interests of the Research Assistant, the job may also include participation in fieldwork in Taiwan and abroad, representing the laboratory at domestic and international conferences, and developing new innovative applications for the Itrax.
Flexible working hours, nice colleagues, English practice, and the opportunity to qualify for a future career in science.
Salary: 32,466 NT$ per month at the bachelor degree level, and 37,132 NT$ per month at the graduate degree level (+ 1.5 months year-end bonus).
A bachelor degree in Earth Sciences or related field is required. Fluency in Chinese and a working knowledge in English.
Experiences from geochemical laboratory work, engineering, and administrative work are meriting. Work in the Itrax Lab is independent and requires the Research Assistant to be able to take responsibilities and to act proactively.
Application process
Applications including a complete CV and a cover letter should be sent directed to Ludvig Löwemark (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它). Questions regarding the position can be answered (in English) by Ludvig Löwemark. For inquiries in Chinese, please contact Weng-si Chao (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它).
Deadline for applications is May 21st, but the position will remain open until filled.